- Wes Montgomery
When you hit, you hit big. Not in a sense of fame or material wealth, but in a sense of fulfillment. And when one has the opportunity to do whatever that makes him or her most happy is when one can really cash in on what success has to offer.
For one young man originally from London, but now a resident of Canada, his happiness has allowed him to hit the jackpot. Most fulfilled while creating and composing musical production, Casino is very talented at what he does. His production shows. With every instrument, he creates catchy melodies and hard hitting beats that you can't help but sense the emotion he puts into them. And if one were to listen close enough, you can almost hear each and every word that should accompany his masterpieces.
With some time to discuss a little about who he is, how he got his start and what the world can expect from him, Casino gives some insight into what music means from his experience.
Who is Casino?
'Casino' is and will be a name shouted from the rooftops as one of Canada's Top Producers. I consider Casino to be my more confident side of my person. Not cocky, but confident in what I do in relation to music
How you come up with the stage name?
Casino: Funny thing is that I came up with that name back when I was living in the U.K. when I was in class! Everyone had nicknames that people used instead of their real names. One of my older brothers used to call himself 'Gambler', so the name 'Casino' came to be as something that I could represent myself and my brothers with.
Where are you from?
Casino: Originally I was born and raised in London, England. Brixton (South West London) was my home for 16 years of my life. Moved out to Toronto, Canada 3 years ago, and now this is where I reside.
Casino: My main interest is music. I play football aka soccer lol, and have a stamp collection somewhere in my house! Used to be really into stamps for a while!
What does music mean to you?
Casino: Music means life to me. Without music I wouldn't be who I am today, and I wouldn't be where I am today. A lot of people just think of music as another profession, but to me, my meaning of life can be found within my music.
How long have you been involved?
Casino: I've been actively producing for the past 6 years! Looking back on it now, I'm realizing that I started music from a real early age.
When did you know that music was something that you wanted to pursue?
Casino: When I was 13 years old, my brothers friend 'TIM TIM THE BEATMAKER' came over to my house and I watched as he remade 'Busta Rhymes - Touch It Bring It' in literally 15 minutes right in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe that making music was that 'easy' so from that day, I installed FL Studio 4 onto my home computer. Came home from school everyday wanting to try different things out. From then, I knew that music was what I was put on this earth to pursue.
Do you play any instruments?
Casino: I play the guitar and the drums. I can find my way around a piano, but I'm no concert pianist!
What inspires and motivates you?
Casino: There are a few people that inspire me to make the music that I do. Too many to list. But anyone reading this that knowns me on a personal level has inspired me to produce. A previous high school relationship helped me a lot with my music. That special girl motivated me to become what I am today.
Your production is impressive, what goes into the creation of your songs?
Casino: I get in the zone when I'm ready to lay down new music. Also that Mary Jane is pretty helpful in my musical creations.
What program do you use?
Casino: There are a few programs that I touch when I produce. Logic Pro has been my chosen program lately. But I am able to use Fruity Loops with the same effectiveness.
Working on any new projects?
Casino: Working on way too many projects to list. Music is over 10 different countries set to blow for the upcoming year! So keep on the look out! Whether you see my name under the production credits or featured on the track, know that I put my everything into it!
What are your thoughts on your success?
Casino: I'm pretty happy with how far I've come in my music career so far, but i know that there is a lot more for me to accomplish!
Biggest Accomplishment?
Casino: Working with RnB Prince of the North: Dru after hearing his music back in the U.K Also Corey Niles! These guys are the future! EFFORTLESS ENT!!
What type of impact would you like to make with your music?
Casino: I want to show people that as long as you work hard at what you do, expect that unexpected! So much has happened that I didn't think would have happen, but the only way that I could have reached this is through hard work!
Who have you worked with so far?
Casino: Dru, Corey Niles, Rochester, Marcus Voyce, Harvey Stripes.. This list goes on!
Any anyone you like to work with in the future?
Casino: I really want to see what Rick Ross is saying! I want to chill with him and see what the whole Mayback Music Group are up to!
What's next for Casino?
Casino: To many things next.. But be on the look out for Music Videos and great production.. Much Music Video Production Credits and music video cameo's!
Any advice for those looking to pursue their aspirations in music?
Casino: If you wake up, think music, breathe music and live music then you are a musician! Never give up on your dream! Dreams can quickly become a reality!
For More On Casino:
Facebook: Andrew Casino-Pilot McFarlane
Facebook Fan Page: Casino Productionz
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