In a ocean full of various artist and from around the world, it's oftentimes difficult to differentiate one's self from the masses, especially when it comes to music. One has to establish him or herself as "I'm this", "I'm that" or "I'm like this..." or "I'm like that..." to acquire at least a listen. The task isn't for the weak of heart or seeker of instant gratification, for those who apply the most effort and over time can reap the benefits of success.
Reaping the benefits from what his efforts have sown, Scotty from the "A" or for those who may not be familiar, Atlanta, GA is earning the listen from the ears of many with his latest mixtape, "Kooler Than a Polar Bear's Toenail." He with notable features from Jody Breeze, David Banner, Gorilla Zoe and Ray Lavender to name a few showcases to the world, why be hot when you can be kool and real smooth while doing so.
With a seemless listen from track to track, Scotty provides the listener with a little something for everybody. If one may be hip to a certain type of song, guaranteed you'll find something on it for your individual taste. Either way, "Kooler Than a Polar Bear's Toenail" is what the game has been missing.
Stand Out Tracks Include:
Chevy Ft. Omega Block
Which Way Ft. Jody Breeze
Through The Wire Remix
The A
54 bars
Check It Out Here.
WBM Certified.
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