-Erno Rubik
From the time we're born up until we pass into what our ideals lead us to understand of the afterlife, we spend our lives making sense of our existence here on Earth. Going from this interest to that interest, overcoming adversity and setback, learning, growing, experiencing and emoting; all pieces of the puzzle that make us who we are.
Now while we may not understand how and why we're here or for what reasons, purpose is best determined for the mind that realizes, purpose is what we give ourselves and energy we put into a worthwhile interest.
So imagine if you will all the things that could be accomplished given we did them on purpose? The possibilities would be endless, fulfilling and rewarding.
Take for example our next WBM Feature, Sam Rubik Piecing together the things that matter most to him, Sam is developing a picture of life and positive picture at that, through Hip Hop. Fresh off his Life Without Commercials Project, Rubik takes a few to allow WBM get to know him a little better.
We believe you should too.
[As Told To Why Blue Matters]
Who is Sam RUBIK?
A 21 year-old Hispanic rapper.
How you come up with the stage name?
SR: The name is actually a reference to two puzzle makers: Sam Lloyd, and Erno Rubik. I used them because I like to style my verses, songs, and ideas like puzzles; putting everything out there but still leaving something for the listener to piece together.
Where are you from?
SR: San Antonio, Texas, but as of a few months ago I am now living in NYC.
SR: I like sports, I'm a big Spurs fan but you'll definitely catch me at a Knicks game or two this season with blue and orange on. Unless of course, they're playing the Spurs.
What does music mean to you?
SR: Sometimes I feel as if music is my life support. Being able to witness and contribute to all aspects of it's creation is truly a blessing because we get so much in return from music. We get energy, a sense of understanding, a sense of being, we relax, and we can vent, all by listening to a song. Something more beautiful I have yet to come across.
How long have you been involved?
SR: I've been writing and recording music consistently for five years.
When did you know that music was something that you wanted to pursue?
SR: When I caught myself writing music, poetry, and listening to new music more than I did anything else. I've always loved to write, and always planned to pursue a career as a writer, so when I started writing songs, everything clicked.
What inspires and motivates you?
SR: My greatest motivation is my desire to get better. Nothing is ever garaunteed, and the music industry is no exception to the rule. Plus, there's so many people releasing music, one cannot capture attention without being truely exceptional. So, when I go into the studio I keep the bar high so the product is always good quality.
Any musical influences?
SR: I would say my biggest influence to date is Soul music. I've always held soul In the highest esteem because the delivery is always so seamless. I also listen to a lot of indie rock, classical, pop, and of course; hip-hop.
You have a very unique delivery, what goes into the creation of your songs?
SR: Emotion. I try to leave a bit of myself on every track and feeling it is the first step. I also always keep originality in the back of my mind. Paying homage is always cool, but biting is never a good look so keeping the material original is very vital to me.
Tell us about your latest project, "Life Without Commercials." What went in to the creation of that release?
SR: A lot of hard work. I would go into the studio for three days at time, get little to no sleep, and recorded way more tracks than the 15 that made it on. There was a lot of tough things I was going through and LWC is the first time I really voiced how I felt on record; so it really opened my perspective as a songwriter, and my versatility as a rapper.
Biggest Accomplishment?
SR: I'd say so far is getting an article in Jenesis Mag. They've been really supportive of everything I do and I don't know if they know but the article really meant a lot to me. Some of the other articles featured people who have been doing their thing for a lot longer than I have, and it felt good to have my name synonymous with theirs.
What type of impact would you like to make with your music?
SR: I would like to keep all the effects of my music to be positive. Some subjects I address have a dark feel, as well as the music behind me, but I like to keep a sense of optimism, and a purpose. If that sense can trickle down and cause an effect, I would like people to imply optimism in their life, if ever they feel there is no purpose.
Who have you worked with so far?
SR: Nobody major yet.
Any anyone you like to work with in the future?
SR: There's plenty of people I'd like to work with, but as for the near future I'd really like to do something with Skotch Davis. I met him a while back and he has a good energy about him. Pac Div is also really dope, I think some real good music could come out of a studio session with them. Same thing with Kid Cudi, who has a big imagination as it seems, and I think I could learn a lot from the guy.
What's next for Sam RUBIK?
SR: I have 3 mixtapes dropping from now until December. The third mixtape will be paid the most attention to though because I'm looking for it to solidify myself in the music industry. Life Without Commercials turned heads, well I want Permanent Vacation to break necks. No exceptions.
Any advice for those looking to pursue their aspirations in music?
SR: Other than the most important thing which is being yourself, the best advice I can give is to focus. I think some are under the impression that making it in music is a lot easier than it is and become discouraged very quickly. I believe if the talent is there, and so is the hard work and determination, then you have a formula for success.
For More On Sam Rubik:
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