Take a minute and get to know this up and coming artist.
In his own words:
I'm repping my city like a big town, Long Branch, NJ. I'm 20 and music is my life. I wouild say i'm good at it.
Currently working on my third installment of my Poster Boy Pledge mixtape series. My goals for 2010 are simple, to grow as an artist and to expand my brand and my name.
I've been making music my entire life. I come from a musically inclined and talented family. I started playin the drums at 6 and the piano at like 7, and really got into writing at about 13 yrs old.
My greatest accomplishment so far would be headlining shows at prominent colleges in NJ.
I am very interested in fashion, love designing new and innovative ideas, neo-soul music is something else that i'm interested in. My ultimate goal in life is to be successful, and be able to help give my family the world.
About the entertainment industry I like the learning process, I like the opportunities for advancement and I like how its becoming more independent.
My work is a book of my life and thoughts, the process behind it is simple its all about recalling what I've experienced and portraying it in a creative way.
What inspires me is success, the success of other artists, the success of friends and knowing that there is more out there for me is my inspiration and motivation.
My favorite job i've done so far is some production on Proph's "Flight Delayed" mixtape and the recording of this new work PBPpt3.
Right now, I'm finishing up my mixtape, getting this college tour with R.A.T Pack under way.
In order for you to pursue your dreams you need to be strong, because alot of people are going to come and try to break you. You need to be confident in yourself. Look out for me I'm reppin that Kick Nation, Island Def Jam Digital, A.C.R.C, and Team Aztro .... its Pledge Michael Baby ...

WBM Presents: Pledge Michael Baby
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