WBM presents Kenny Hibbler...
The Creative Director and Fashion Editor of Krave Magazine. And when he's not doing work for the magazine he owns his own catering business called Sweet|Suite.
Kenny has a very important position with Krave Magazine. He facilitates the fashion and creative content for the publication. He also manages submissions and directs many photo shoots both locally and abroad. He also acts as a representative for Krave in the media capacity as well.
As for his own business, he offer's full service catering and also specializes in desserts. He has owned his catering business since 2006. Kenny's intital idea was to offer full service catering, which he still does but he specializes now in desserts and cakes which have become a big hit.
Kenny's ultimate goal is to be happy while at the same time spread knowledge and encouragement amongst the people that he impacts. He believes that so many of us have lost touch with humanity, especially with the invention of the internet and social networking. He believes that it's important for us to uplift, educate, and interact with each other, it’s essential to growth.
Kenny is reaching the point in his life where he is completely confident with who he is and in his resourcefulness and skills. He considers himself to be a huge geek from playing video games, such as The Sims, to reading, playing music, doing outdoor activities, writing and is very much into fashion.
He loves being around creative geniuses, he loves observing artists and learning from them. Whether it’s a model, photographer, stylist, makeup/hair artist Kenny believes it’s so very intriguing how they all process an idea and how they execute it. He used to be very spontaneous and would just go out and do, but from personal experiences, he's learned to harness and guide his creativity with planning and discussion. "It’s one thing to be creative and a savant; it’s another to know how to use and market those skills effectively."
The advice Kenny gives everyone who is looking to pursue their dreams "Plan, but step out on faith. If you don’t take the risk then you’ll never reap the rewards. It’s like gambling. Winning isn’t guaranteed but you definitely won’t win if you don’t bet – on yourself!"He wants to be remembered as a person who made people smile and who did whatever he could to uplift and empower people. In Kenny's own words he's "simply an ordinary person with extraordinary skills, living in this ordinary world but faced with extraordinary challenges"

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