WBM presents a Q&A session with the one and only Arissa Hill, an accomplished painter / model / chef / reality tv star among other things.
You all might remember her from the 12th season of MTV's The Real World: Las Vegas back in 2002 one of the highest rated Real Word's in history. Since then Arissa has done a few more television shows, been seen in Elle girl magazine, King magazine and Stuff magazine just to name a few.
So take a minute and reacquaint yourselves with her.
Introduce yourself to the people who already dont know who you are?
Arissa: My name is Arissa Hill, I am a model, entertainer and television personality best known for starring on the 12th season of MTV's reality show The Real World which was filmed in Las Vegas.
So what project or projects are you working on now?
Arissa: I'm currently working on a pilot for my own cooking show as well as a food/entertainment/lifestyle blog called
http://keepitpureorganic.blogspot.com/ . The blog details things and experiences out in the world I have come across that I love, or feel the need to share along with cooking tips, wellness, and other artist features.
What have been your goals for 2010 so far?
Arissa: My goals for this year and the coming year are to put the majority of my energy into my blog, my show, and making some positive changes in my community.
Where are you currently residing?
Arissa: I currently reside in Los Angeles
Anything you want to say? clear up? acknoweldge?
Arissa: No. Not beyond: it's all smoke and mirrors. All of it.
You're so much more than just being a reality television veteran?
Arissa: Correct. So much more. :)
What's your greatest accomplishment so far in life?
Arissa: I'm still working on that.
What are some of your Interest(s)?
Arissa: My interests have to do with anyting creative. Painting, photography, music, cooking, writing. I submerge myself in all things that have to do with creation.
What's your ultimate goal in life?
Arissa: My ultimate goal is to live on an island...and have an eco friendly bed and breakfast.
What do you like most about being in the business?
Arissa: The amount of truly talented and amazing people I get to meet.
What's the thought process behind your works?
Arissa: I allow my world and everything in it to be a source of inspiration. Everything. I draw from personal experience and I believe that feeds the creativity that lives in me...
What inspires and motivates you?
Arissa: Life inspires and motivates me. Every morning I wake up I have the ability to do something. And that could be anything from taking or painting a picture, or trying to move a mountain. What ever it is I want to try to accomplish every morning I open my eyes is endless inspiration for me. Especially when I see so many people who just go through the motions of life, not believing that they too can paint a picture...or do the impossible, so they do nothing at all....That is another source of motivation for me...
How was life changed for you since having your life showcased on MTV?
Arissa: Life has changed for me in the sense that I am more mellow...obviously time can do that to a person...
What are you listening to in your ipod these days?
Arissa: A LOT of Indie artists from Michigan: Buff1der,14KT, Mayer Hawthorne,Magestik Legend..some Fits & The Tantrums, Oliver DaySoul, Esthero, J Sands/Lone Catalysts,Tabi Bonney,Gemstones, Jonelle Monae, J Cole, Brazaville, Nneka, Bootsy Collins, Eddia Hazel...yea...you dont want to get me started on my playlists...this could go on for days... :)))
What has been your favorite job you've done so far?
Arissa: I love to do personal chef work....
Any advice for those looking to pursue their dreams?
Arissa: Learn everything you can about whatever it is you are trying to pursue. Work on cultivating your craft daily. Don't let anyone with murdered dreams try to kill yours. Keep a small support group of people who can remind you to stay on track and focused CLOSE. Remain humble and gracious. Those you see on the way up...you see on the way back down.
What do you want to be remembered by?
Arissa: At the end of the day; when all is said and done: How did I make you feel?
Anything else you would like the world to know about you?
Arissa: hahahaha...not today
Thanks for adding more significance to Why Blue Matters, you're a positive, inspirational woman. Much love to you and your continued success.
Arissa: Thank you for your interest. XO
FOLLOW Arissa on TWITTER @MissArissa
Check out her blog http://keepitpureorganic.blogspot.com/

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