WBM presents BreakUpEasy.Com
What is BreakUpEasy.com? It is a relationship-based social networking website that launched in April of 2010. The site helps people that find it awkward to end a relationship (business or personal) a means to have the online system do it for them. The site also allows people to post issues they are currently dealing with in their relationships, allowing people to vote, comment and give their opinions. The site does not charge visitors or its members for any of the services, but generates revenue from advertisers.
The specs about the site?
When someone first visits the site, they are greeted by the 'BreakUpEasy Heartbreaker' of the Month (changes every month on the 15th.). The main page displays the current site news, celebrity blogs, videos as well as other highlights on the site. In order to begin the BreakUp process, one simply needs to click the red 'BreakUp' button on the top of the page, or click the BreakUpEasy option in the navigation bar.
Once in the BreakUpEasy system, you must choose which type of relationship you would like to end. Once the visitor chooses a type, they will need to enter their name and the name of whom they want to end the relationship with. Once submitted, the visitor will get a confirmation number, and a link to print a copy of the BreakUp notice they sent.
If the visitor is unsure that breaking up is the right thing to do, they can also use our State Your Case Feature. State Your Case is an Online Relationship Voting System. This exclusive BreakUpEasy.com feature allows someone who is unsure of the future of their relationship to post their information (anonymously or not) into the system.
No registration is required, and cases can be canceled at any time.
The goals of BreakupEasy.com is to create an online community of those that are looking for love and can learn from others that have been through similar situations. Most social networking websites are great at making connections, but do not fully address how to sever these connections once things have run their course.
What's next for Breakupeasy.com We are currently in development of our Personals section.
So imagine the girl that just broke up with a cheater, she can meet single guys that also ended it with a cheater. People that have felt pain tend to relate to other that have been through similar.
What's BreakUpEasy.com's greatest accomplishment so far?
~ The grass roots exposure and reception we've been getting so far. All of our models are aspiring ones, and we love the fact that we get an opportunity to showcase hot, unknown talent, while putting money back into our communities.
What inspires and motivates BreakUpEasy.com?
~ These four words both inspire and motivate us: "You can't do this." We smile, and do it anyway!
So check out BreakUpEasy.com and spread the word!
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