Whether we are aware of it or not, there is crisis taking place all around us. It happens down the street, around the corner, across town; county and state lines and even internationally day in and day out, like clockwork. However as overwhelming and to no end it may seem, we can still make a difference, especially right in our own communities.
The state our economy is in currently is in disarray. Massive amounts of budget cuts are taking place. This affects employment which affects housing which affects banking and insurance, healthcare, agriculture all the way down to education believe it or not. Interestingly enough, it was just brought to my attention that with everything going on, my neighborhood included, one of our WBM community members stands a chance to be affected by these changes in the budget and school system and needs our help.
Let your voice be heard.
Get informed, raise your awareness, sign petition to VETO SB6 and HB7189, which plans to increase classroom size and implement school budget cuts and contact Governor Cist to make schools a priority for the youth. Now and the future depends on it.
How To Contact Governor Cist:
Governor Charlie Crist
Plaza Level 05
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
850-488-4441 /850-488-7146/ 850-487-0801
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